Does Where I Live Matter?


Does Where I Live Matter?

According to Federal ADA guidelines, the basic service area for paratransit is a corridor centered on the scheduled fixed route and extending ¾ of a mile to either side of the route.

For applicants who live beyond the ¾ mile boundary, they will need to make arrangements to be picked up and dropped off at a location designated by Island Transit as a safe transfer site.

For those riders who live in-bounds, your driveway will be reviewed to confirm it is accessible for our buses to get in and out. You may be asked to trim back tree limbs or vegetation, fill in pot holes or ruts, or move objects that prevent the bus from being able to turn around. If a driveway is deemed non-accessible, that rider will be asked to meet the bus at the road.   

Please note - Due to modified Routes on Saturday, not all weekday service areas qualify for paratransit service on Saturdays. Please call the office for confirmation of the paratransit Saturday service area.

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